HomeGeneral DentistryTeeth : Anatomy Diagram, Types, Name, Number and Functions

Teeth : Anatomy Diagram, Types, Name, Number and Functions


Teeth Overview

Teeth are the essential part of the body for eating food, speaking, smiling, etc. There are many different types of teeth with different names. It’s one of the strongest parts of the human body and is made up of Enamel, Dentin, Cementum, and Pulp. Let’s understand the Human tooth with the anatomical diagram given below and learn in detail.

Tooth Anatomy with Diagram

Parts of Teeth

Tooth has mainly two parts :

  1. Crown : The tooth Crown is the top portion of the tooth that you can clinically see in your mouth. The crown portion is covered by enamel which protects it.
  2. Root : The root is clinically not visible in the mouth in normal condition as it is covered under the gum line fixed in the tooth socket or alveolar bone socket with periodontal ligaments that hold the tooth in the socket.
Human Tooth anatomy diagram

What Are Teeth Made of

Teeth are made up of Enamel, Dentin, Cementum, and Pulp. (Layers of Teeth)

  • Enamel : It is the outermost layer covering the crown portion of teeth. It is the hardest structure in the body that protects the teeth.
  • Dentin : It is the second layer beneath the enamel covering that provides the structural mass to teeth. It contains dentinal tubules, and it’s not as hard as enamel and gets cavities more easily than enamel. If dentin is exposed in the outer environment due to enamel wear it causes dentinal hypersensitivity also known as teeth sensitivity. Learn more about Dentin/Dentine
  • Cementum : It covers the root portion of the tooth and anchors the tooth with periodontal fibers within the socket.
  • Pulp : Pulp is available in the pulp chamber which is the innermost part of the teeth. Pulp is made up of Blood vessels, Nerves, and Connective tissue. It provides nourishment to the tooth and gives sensation to the tooth.

Related: Tooth Eruption with Tooth Eruption Chart

Types of Teeth in Humans with Teeth Names and Numbers

Teeth types

There are four types of teeth in adult humans. Incisors, Canines, Premolars, and Molars; Premolars are absent in children. Adult humans have 32 permanent teeth in their mouths, and children have 20 teeth in their mouths.

Incisor tooth image

1. Incisors

These are your front teeth or anterior teeth. Every individual has a total of 8 incisors both in children and adults, and has two types of incisor teeth, 2 central incisors, and 2 lateral incisors on each side in the upper and lower jaw.

Incisors are flat and have sharp edges (chisel-shaped) to bite into the food and cut it into smaller pieces.

Canine tooth image

2. Canines

There are 4 canines in total, 1-1 canine on each side in the upper and lower jaw. They are sharp pointed teeth and are mostly used for tearing down food items. Canines are also known as cuspids.

Premolar tooth image

3. Premolars

Premolars are 8 in total, 2-2 premolars on each side in the upper and lower jaw. Premolars are also known as bicuspid. They are mainly used for cutting and grinding food items. Premolars are absent in children.

Molar tooth image

4. Molars

Molar teeth are 12 in total in adults and 8 in number in children. Children have 2-2 molars on each side in the upper and lower jaw and adults have 3-3 molars (including Wisdom teeth, last 3rd molar tooth) on each side in the upper and lower jaw. 3rd Molars or Wisdom teeth are absent in children.


In children, 20 teeth are present and these are known as deciduous teeth or primary teeth and also known as milk teeth or baby teeth. Children have mainly three types of teeth, 8 Incisors, 4 Canines, and 8 Molars; premolars are not present in infants. Tooth Eruption starts with lower central incisors. Later primary teeth or deciduous teeth are replaced by permanent teeth.

An average adult human has 32 teeth in his/her mouth; also known as permanent teeth, or succedaneous teeth, or adult teeth. Adults have 8 Incisors, 4 Canines, 8 Premolars, and 12 Molar teeth including Wisdom teeth.

Types of teeth and number of teeth

As we discussed, adult humans have 32 permanent teeth and children have 20 milk teeth or deciduous teeth at the age of 3 years.

Wisdom teeth or 3rd molars are the last teeth in the mouth, mostly they are not functional and not used for chewing food. Not all people may have wisdom teeth as sometimes it’s covered by gums or gingival tissue and not erupted in the oral cavity (mouth) also known as an impacted wisdom tooth. This causes pain in the movement of the wisdom tooth.

Molars are the largest teeth with large surface areas to help them chew and grind food to make it smaller and facilitate swallowing.


Related: Tooth Numbering System with Teeth Numbers and Names

Functions of Teeth

Overall, Teeth help cut, tear, grind, and mix food in humans. Incisors generally cut the food, canines tear the food and molars grind the food items and convert them into pre-swallow bolus. Teeth also facilitate speaking function and overall facial structure.

Related: Are Teeth Bones?

Summing up

Teeth are an essential part of our body that not only helps in eating food, but also helps in speaking certain words, so it is important to take care of your teeth because the illness of single teeth makes you uncomfortable in your day-to-day activities. What can you do for healthy teeth? You can follow Oral hygiene practices for healthy teeth.

I hope this informative article helped you to understand teeth anatomy, types, parts, and functions. You can share this information with your friends and family to make them aware.

  1. Sulyanto, R. (2024, February 16). Biology of the teeth. Merck Manuals Consumer Version.,not%20get%20any%20wisdom%20teeth).%20Accessed%201/26/2023.
Dr. Shubham G. Devaiya, BDS
Dr. Shubham G. Devaiya, BDS
Dr. Shubham G. Devaiya is a registered Dentist and Medical content writer. He owns DentalFord and publishes content related to Oral Health for Oral Health Awareness.





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